Make your dream vacation a lifetime memory by avoiding these mistakes!


People plan for their perfect vacation from months before the holidays. From selecting the destinations to reserving seats in flights and trains to booking a room in hotel, every single thing is minutely taken care of. The skillfully researched intermarry becomes a preference of conversation way before the actual holiday. To avoid making a mess of your big plans, you should remember not to commit these mistakes.

Validity of passport

It is very important to ensure that your passport is valid while opting for holidays in international destinations. We forget to check the deadlines of the validity and renew it on time and it make happen that at the time of your arrival in a different country you may get into the trouble. In some countries landing without a valid passport can lead to legal trouble which can really get troublesome.

Losing your passport or wallet

Due to carelessness or by other’s fault, it can happen that you lose your passport or wallet. Losing your passport means that you are no longer allowed to stay in the country which you are visiting and in some countries the law is so strict that it can land in your prison! So to avoid this ugly situation, it is always required to be extra careful while in different nation. If you lose your wallet, it means you make lose some important document. In the case of theft or attack, it is very important to inform the local police after which they can contact the embassy of your country if you are in some serious trouble.

Losing your mobile phone and credit cards

Losing your mobile phone cuts your connectivity from your near ones can refrain you from contacting them at time of your need. Nowadays, people don’t often remember the contact number of anyone as this facility is easily available on the cell phone. So if you lose your phone and can’t memorize any contact number, then you can land into some serious trouble for yourself. Also losing your credit cards can cut your monetary channels as cash is not carried everywhere. To avoid this situation and saving yourself from ruining your perfect vacation, it is very important to keep your personal belongings very carefully. This carefulness should to alter into an extra level when visiting a different country.

Medical Emergency

In case of medical emergency in a foreign country, the chances of survival can sometime come to a stake as laws regarding the health issues can be different in different country. Also the cost of recovering the health issue can charge you much more than your expectation as the procedure and cost of treatment differ from country to country. The cost of medical emergency is so high some time that it may cost you more than your overall trip. So to avoid this the only simple tip is to stay on your location if you have any medical issue before the holiday.  You can Buy a Health insurance Get your health checkup done before leaving for a holiday and avoid getting into extreme situation. Extreme situations like over eating and unhygienic habits should be avoided.

Also the important trick is to ensure every detail of bookings in hotels and flights. Find out all the important rules and regulations of the country you are visiting. Follow the law there properly. Also some countries strictly abide by the culture they follow. So it is very important to follow it when you are in their country. Taking professional help for your travel plans can add more ease to your holiday. So it is advisable to take official travel planner or guide to avoid any hassle in international trips.

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